Step 1
You will need to Call to schedule a complimentary virtual or in person appointment with Dr. Alborzi at 650-342-4171 or visit our website at https://alborziorthodontics.com/request-your-appointment/#top.
During the first step, the Alborzi Orthodontics team will use I-Tero scanner which will take a fast and precise 3D digital scan of your teeth and after examinations from Dr. Alborzi we will provide a custom treatment plan for you.
Next you set up your payment plan. With flex account spending, $250.00 friends, and a family discount you can end up paying less than what you think. With our flexible payment plan desired for you, and the agreement forms handled. You’re ready to start your treatment.
Step 2
Start transforming your smile as soon as your aligners are picked up. To achieve the best result, you want to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours a day. Taking your aligners out only when you brush and floss, eat, or drink something other than water. Remember to avoid smoking while wearing your aligners. You do not want yellow icky aligners on top of your teeth. If you lose or break an aligner before it is time to put in the next set…no worries. Dr. Alborzi provides you with extra aligners the number varies depending on the treatment you are receiving. In the case you break or lose your aligners just go ahead and open your new box of aligners and start wearing your new set. It may be a little tight at first, but if for some reason your discomfort is abnormal call immediately, so that Dr. Alborzi can have a look and make any adjustments if necessary. Keep in mind you are not in this alone Dr. Alborzi will continue to monitor your results either virtual or in person.
Step 3
Congratulations! You have finished up your treatment and now you can smile with confidence. To preserve your smile, you will need wear your retainers at night. This nightly retainer relationship is long-term basically for the rest of your life. Keep in mind if you do not wear your retainers as you should it will lead to undoing of all the time, effort, and money that was spent into creating your new and improved healthy, beautiful smiles. So, whatever you do…wear your retainers and do not forget about our amazing retention plans we have available. Getting yourself, or your family, set up with a retention plan can save you $1000.00